Tuesday, February 1, 7.30pm
Zoom: https://smu.zoom.us/j/95801605458
Meeting ID: 958 0160 5458
Maiko Sugano菅野麻依子
Born in Tokyo in 1974, Maiko Sugano graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts (former name is Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music) in 1997. After working for a design firm, she embarked on a round-the-globe trip, and ended up living in San Francisco in 2000. In 2004 she completed her MFA at California College of the Arts. In 2009, she received a grant as part of the “Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artist” from the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, to research art and art environments at the MARTa Herford Museum in Germany. In 2014 she completed her PhD in Fine Art at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Now, she is teaching at the Tainan National University of the Arts, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Wood Area 國立臺南藝術大學 應用藝術研究所 木質組 .
The poster depicts Tearoom of Tenkawa 天川の茶室 , 2021.
Artist Website: https://www.maikosugano.com/
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